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Funded by the European Research Council!!!

Our project OBGate has been funded with an ERC Starting Grant, one of the most grants by the European Commission (1.5M € for 5 years). Brain delivery, here we come with an unprecedented strategy! Let's materialize our dreams!

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Unknown member
Aug 28

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Unknown member
Aug 09

You should be proud of yourself that is a huge step forward for your project. What happens next with your novel strategy for brain delivery is something

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Unknown member
Jul 25

Congratulations on securing the ERC Starting Grant for OBGate! That's an impressive achievement and a significant boost for your project. I'm excited to see how your innovative approach to brain delivery unfolds. Best of luck with the next steps—I'm sure your team will make great strides with this support! slice masters


Unknown member
Jun 18

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Chemical & Synthetic Biology
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Challenging Brain Diseases

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